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What You May Not Know…One Lovely Blog Award

I would like to thank Tonya at for giving me the One Lovely Blog Award!  I feel so very special.  And happy.  And (shhhhh…whisper it) popular.  It’s so encouraging to know that people actually look at my blog – and like it.  I’m thrilled!

The rules are as follows: You thank the person who nominated you, share eight things about yourself that others may not know, and pass the award on to another blogger whom you love.  
Did you know…?
1.  I could eat Mexican food for EVERY meal, EVERY day, FOREVER.  
2.  I also have red hair.  Auburn, really-with highlights to cover extremely premature gray. (OK, not THAT premature.)
3.  If you want to bribe me, I can be bought cheap with a Vanilla Dr. Pepper from Sonic (Happy Hour prices from 2pm-4pm if anyone is driving by and coming my way.  Just saying…)
4.  I’m a late bloomer.  Married at 35.  Miracle Son at 37.   Good things take time so don’t be in such a rush.  
5.  Prior to this domestic bliss, I would have been the least likely person you would think would enjoy such a life.  Homemaking was the farthermost thing on my radar.  Who knew?
6.  Except for the indulgence of eating out (where nutrition rules are flung out the window once a week), we eat no refined sugar.  NONE.  NADA.  Not even corn syrup, dextrose, or anything that can not be easily spelled or pronounced.    
7.  I’m not a materialistic person.  Really, I’m not- but I am so totally into my iPhone.  How did I live without it?  There is an app for EVERYTHING.  It has my phone, my datebook, my music, my Bible, my recipes, my photos, AND I can surf the web.  How great is that?  My husband thinks I love it as much as I love him. I don’t but almost.  OK, I do.  Not really, but sort of. 
8.  Speaking of iPhone: I am obsessed with Words With Friends.  

Now that you know ALL about me, go visit Suzie Q at  I am passing this award to her.  She is AMAZING.  Her blog is sure to inform and inspire you.


6 thoughts on “What You May Not Know…One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Congrats on your award!! My husband is trying to get us to both switch to an iPhone, I’m thinking one of these days he may get his wish. It looks really user friendly with a lot you can do with it.

  2. Kate,
    I just found you…what a GREAT blog! Moms like us need encouragement, especially faith-based encouagement. Have a blessed day!

  3. thanks for sharing things about you and congrats to your blog award 🙂

  4. Congratulations on your award! And I am so with you on being able to eat mexican food every day! 🙂

  5. Congratulations!! I love the new look of your blog too!
    Big Fat Mama

  6. Thank you- kind comments are like hugs!

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