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Three in Thirty : A Late Start

3in30 I'm In!!

My life and #3in30 got just a tiny bit interrupted during December and January (I’ll post about that later over on Practical Faith for Everyday Life). My overall goals for 2012 are in three broad categories:

Home & Family
Social Media
My goals for January/ February (a little late than never):
  1. Complete the 31 Days to Pray For Your Spouse Challenge
  2. Create or find an existing gratitude journal utilizing photographs
  3. Publish my post on organizational habits/tips and post about my recent faith trial.
These were some of the things that I wanted to accomplish in January – thank goodness for “carry over,” huh? I’m super excited about the 31 Days to Pray challenge. I’m also so thankful for the privilege of praying for my husband.  He’s truly a God-sent spouse.  I plan to post the organizational post this week here on MommieKate. The faith trial post…well, lets just say that’s a bit of a test for me. It’s hard for me to share the really personal stuff.  I posted about our pregnancy loss a year after it happened. It took a whole year just to work up the nerve.  I started blogging because I wanted to share my faith and encourage other women.  I’ve realized that sometimes I have to dig a little deeper. You can get fluff anywhere, right? Maybe what I’ve been through can bless someone else and the only way to know is to share it. Share it, I will.

Although the little #3in30 break was not planned- and I took a break from EVERYthing- I was able to spend time loving my family and living simply. That’s what it’s all about, anyway!

5 thoughts on “Three in Thirty : A Late Start

  1. I’m glad you had some quality time with your family. It’s never to late to start your goals.
    I understand how hard it is to share personal stuff, especially to strangers. I have found that hard, personal stuff does really let people know the real you and encourages them to share their real life too. As with everything pray for God’s leading and strength.
    Looking forward to getting to know you through #3in30.

  2. I love the fact that you narrowed all your goals for the year to fit in those categories. It would be a really great way to stay focused.
    I actually find it a bit easier to share some of my personal stuff with strangers in the fact that I can’t see if they are judging me or not. Then I get amazing feedback and I feel even better.
    Sharing in whole is difficult though so I pray you are able to do so.
    Have a great week and welcome back to 3 in 30.

  3. I’m glad you took the time you needed to work through some things! You’ll encourage others at the right time, for you and them. Promise. 🙂
    I too am working on the 31 days to pray. Loving it so far!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. I think everyone holds on to a few things they don’t share. I’m okay with that. Your goals are great. 🙂

  5. I look forward to hearing all you write about.

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