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Three in Thirty

This week I am reviewing my completed (did you catch that, COMPLETED) January goals.  I feel like someone should be clapping.  Let’s all clap – yippee for us!  Our first month, 3in30 Ladies, is down and a new one is upon us.  Do you feel great?  I sure do!  Even though I didn’t do it perfectly (like, who does? OK, except you, you overachiever- you know who you are) I worked EVERY day on at least one of my three goals.  I have such a feeling of accomplishment!

I have accomplished these goals in January (clap again, its okay):

  • Grown in my relationship with God by adding a chapter of Proverbs to my daily Bible reading
  • Made more time for social media fun by participating in not one, but several blog hops
  • Become more organized by totally defeating the food storage container cabinet monster.
Besides the feeling of accomplishment, I’ve had a blast!  I’ve met some wonderful new blog and Twitter friends.  The accountability and encouragement aspect of the 3in30 has been so rewarding. I’m looking forward to doing it again in February.  I can’t wait to see what you’ll be doing!

9 thoughts on “Three in Thirty

  1. Cleaning out is one of the best feelings in the world… after it’s done. Congrats on your accomplishments. If you’d like to travel and get something done… I could show you my closet. 😉

  2. I really need to dig through my food storage drawer… it’s a mess! I have a lot of housekeeping to catch up on! Have fun with the Social Media stuff but watch out, it can be a huge time sucker too!

  3. yea!!! big claps!!! 🙂 I tackled our food storage efore christmas it was insane 🙂 now I have room in the cabinets and stuff doesn’t fall on you when they open 🙂

    you did great!!

  4. Whoo hooo go girl. IT is fun getting to know others via social media isn’t it! Follow me on Twitter @alyssaavant

    🙂 Nice to “Meet” you.

  5. I was clapping for you so much this month, it was cray! I’m enjoying 3 in 30 more than I ever thought I would because you guys are so fantastic!

  6. LOL! *APPLAUSE* 😉 Good job! Can’t wait to see what your goals will be for February.

  7. WOOHOO!! I know, I think we all should get a round of applause 🙂 Great job on completing your goals – and looking forward to next month!

  8. I’m definitely taking your hint in the food storage situation. Congratulations on the 1st month. We should all do the wave right now. 😛

  9. I love the 3 in 30 concept. So do-able. Congrats on meeting your January goals.

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